Strong physical decline with age is inevitable. Here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

Older Man WIth Weights

Raise your hand if you often find yourself climbing stairs. What about carrying heavy grocery bags? What about picking up your children or grandchildren? Most of us would raise our hands to do at least one of those things weekly, or even daily. As people age, it can become increasingly more difficult to perform certain … Read more

Strong physical decline with age is inevitable. Here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

Strong physical decline with age is inevitable.  Here's how strength training can change the trajectory

This article has been reviewed in accordance with Science X’s editorial policies and procedures. The editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the reliability of the content: has been tested in practice reliable source written by the researcher(s). proofreading Alright! From left are the author’s father, then 61 years old, the author’s wife, and … Read more

Strong physical decline with age is inevitable. Here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

Raise your hand if you often find yourself climbing stairs. What about carrying heavy grocery bags? What about picking up your children or grandchildren? Most of us would raise our hands to do at least one of those things weekly, or even daily. As people age, it can become increasingly more difficult to perform certain … Read more