Man in gym refused help and asked to clean up after himself, doing so maliciously

Man in gym refused help and asked to clean up after himself, doing so maliciously

Building muscle has long been of interest to many people, whether for beauty reasons or practical reasons. Modern bodybuilding was developed in the late 19th century, but its origins date back to ancient Greece. Nowadays, most people develop their bodies in the gym, which has its own culture. But while most people are happy to … Read more

Plus-size gym goers say weight stigma in the fitness space can be ‘extremely toxic’

Plus-size gym goers say weight stigma in the fitness space can be 'extremely toxic'

After a car accident, Mandy Smith had to take a year off from exercise. She gained 100 pounds within a year. When the 43-year-old, who struggled with fitness and eating disorders for decades, was able to get active again, she signed up for bootcamp-style classes. While Smith is a veteran of these high-intensity exercises for … Read more

Fitness influencer discusses video of gym goers mocking an elderly person working out

Fitness influencer discusses video of gym goers mocking an elderly person working out

A ‘gymfluencer’ named Joey Swoll follows one main philosophy: the gym should be a warm, welcoming and safe space for everyone to enjoy. That’s why he often posts videos online to his various social media accounts talking about how other people behave in the gym and how they are part of the problem. torments the … Read more

The loudest gym in Texas is inspired by childhood recess

The loudest gym in Texas is inspired by childhood recess

More than a quarter of health clubs in the US closed during the first 18 months of the pandemic, including Butchered Bodies, a gym run by Taylor Metzger in Dallas, Texas. There was a moment where everything was scrutinized and then Metzger’s entrepreneurial spirit kicked in. Metzger is a personal trainer with a background in … Read more