The first signs of gloomy winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

The first signs of gloomy winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

Winter blues: Coping with seasonal affective disorder WebMD Chief Medical Officer Dr. John Whyte explains how seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, affects 11 million people across the United States each year. Colder weather, less daylight, and seasonal changes can affect your overall mood, leading to depression or seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, which … Read more

Bright ideas for gloomy days: The science behind Vitamin D and winter woes

Winter Sunshine Vitamin D Art Concept

Vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, is essential for our overall health, especially in promoting bone health and regulating the immune system. This article delves into the science of vitamin D, highlighting its importance, the risks associated with deficiency, and the challenges of obtaining it during the winter. Vitamin D, commonly known as the … Read more

The first signs of gloomy winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

The first signs of gloomy winter weather can trigger seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder

Colder weather, less daylight, and seasonal changes can affect your overall mood, leading to depression or seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, which affects about 11 million people across the United States each year. Seasonal affective disorder can begin with the first signs of fall or winter, including cooler temperatures and less daylight as … Read more