4 simple tips to help you achieve your healthy eating goals

4 simple tips to help you achieve your healthy eating goals

When it comes to choosing what to eat, we live in challenging times. Never before have people known more about nutrition and how to eat for optimal health, yet we have never been surrounded by distractions and temptations that keep us from making good choices. healthy. Some people might decide I should eat healthier! and … Read more

Can eating carrots give you a natural tan? The science behind this medical oddity

Can eating carrots give you a natural tan?  The science behind this medical oddity

A beauty trend that’s become popular on TikTok is called carrot tan, which claims that eating three carrots a day will give you a natural tan. But can this really give you natural light? And is it healthy? Why do carrots affect your skin color? Carotenoids are natural pigments that give fruits and vegetables their … Read more

Mindful Eating and Yoga: Diet Tips, Exercises to Support a Healthy Heart

Mindful Eating and Yoga: Diet Tips, Exercises to Support a Healthy Heart

ViaZarafshan ShirazNew Delhi In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can be challenging as stress, poor dietary choices and lack of physical activity often take a toll on heart health. our circuit. However, experts believe that by combining the two simple but effective practices of mindful eating and yoga, you can take a holistic … Read more

You’re not eating enough protein – that could be hindering your weight loss

You're not eating enough protein - that could be hindering your weight loss

High-protein diets may conjure up images of ready-made smoothies, steak and eggs for breakfast, but many of us are increasingly looking for ways to ensure we consume enough protein, to aid in our digestion. Plant-based diet, vigorous exercise regimen. , either simply to maintain our energy levels or to provide support during menopause. Protein is … Read more

Eating a high-fiber diet: Benefits and tips

Eating a high-fiber diet: Benefits and tips

Fiber is an important element of a healthy diet and can contribute to good digestion. If a person wants to incorporate more fiber-rich foods into their diet, they should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration or constipation. People with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, or conditions such as diverticulitis may benefit from a high-fiber diet. One … Read more

Woman lost 30 kg by eating lean meat

The young girl admitted that she has always loved junk food, especially sweets, since she was a child. Weighing 82kg when she was in 9th grade, she was isolated by her friends because she was overweight. She also lost confidence. She can’t muster enough discipline and determination when trying to diet or exercise. Her persistent … Read more